All prices are base prices. Additionally (except for the LOCKBASE Manager lite) an annual fee of 20% of the base price will be charged for regular updates, internet services and support.


LOCKBASE Manager lite


For the administration of a single master key system for end-users of master key systems (business partner required) For the administration of multiple master key systems for end-users of master key systems
Equipment: Equipment:
Data Stocks for Persons, Keys, Cylinders and Doors Data Stocks for Persons, Keys, Cylinders and Doors
Data Lists (incl. Ground Plan Module) Data Lists (incl. Ground Plan Module)
No Extension Modules Extension Modules
Single user licence / multi-user licence
Pricing models Single user licence Multi-user licence
LOCKBASE Manager lite 710,00 €
LOCKBASE Manager 1.270,00 € 2.115,00 €
LOCKBASE Manager + System Matrix   1.575,00 €  2.620,00 €
LOCKBASE Manager + System Matrix + System-Designer  1.880,00 € 3.125,00 €



Electronic Master Key System Locking Plan
Data Stocks for Keys and Cylinders
System Matrix
B2B peer-to-peer (P2P)
Pricing models Single user licence Multi-user licence
LOCKBASE Matrix 960,00 € 1.600,00 €
LOCKBASE Matrix + Machine Interface 1.355,00 € 2.265,00 €
LOCKBASE Matrix + Machine Interface + List of Materials 1.750,00 € 2.930,00 €


LOCKBASE Administrator

For the administration of master key systems for suppliers of master key systems
Data Stocks for Persons, Keys, Cylinders and Doors
Data Lists (incl. Ground Plan Module) and System Matrix
B2B peer-to-peer (P2P)
Pricing models Single user licence Multi-user licence
LOCKBASE Administrator  1.575,00 €  2.620,00 €
LOCKBASE Administrator + System-Designer  1.880,00 €  3.125,00 €
LOCKBASE Administrator + System-Designer + Machine Interface + List of Materials  2.670,00 €  4.455,00 €


LOCKBASE Calculator

For the calculation of master key systems for manufacturers of master key systems
Data Stocks for Keys and Cylinders
System Matrix
Calculation Module
1 Cylinder Brand Module
Machine Interface
B2B peer-to-peer (P2P)
Pricing models Single user licence Multi-user licence
LOCKBASE Calculator  2.860,00 €  4.765,00 €
LOCKBASE Calculator + Code Group Administration or List of Materials  3.255,00 €  5.430,00 €
LOCKBASE Calculator + Code Group Administration and List of Materials  3.650,00 €  6.095,00 €
LOCKBASE Calculator + System-Designer + Code Group Administration  3.815,00 €  6.360,00 €
LOCKBASE Calculator + System-Designer + Code Group Administration + List of Materials  4.210,00 €  7.025,00 €


LOCKBASE Professional

For the planning, calculation and administration of master key systems for manufacturers of master key systems
Data Stocks for Persons, Keys, Cylinders and Doors
Data List (incl. Ground Plan Module), System Matrix and System Designer
Calculation Module
1 Cylinder Brand Module
Code Group Administration as add-on for the Calculation Module
List of Materials
Machine Interface
B2B peer-to-peer (P2P)
Pricing models Single user licence Multi-user licence
LOCKBASE Professional  4.910,00 €  8.185,00 €


LOCKBASE Factory Services

LOCKBASE Cylinder Type Database (standard)
Database of cylinder types (type, special equipment, length, finish) to avoid incorrect entries
LOCKBASE Factory Services – Cylinder Type Database
Database of cylinder types (type, special equipment, length, finish) to avoid incorrect entries, including HTML catalogue, data distribution via B2B network and XML interface for automated processing and integration into existing IT environment
LOCKBASE B2B Factory Services: Dispatcher
Automated receipt/return of data in batch mode, integration in existing IT (export/import in .lbf or .csv format)
LOCKBASE Factory Services – ERP Order Interface
Module for the integration of the LOCKBASE order management into an ERP system
Automatic Order Processing
Automatic processing of orders received by B2B/ERP, automatic calculation of extensions to master key systems including processing of additional keys / cylinders for existing functions and calculation of new cylinder and key functions
SQL Interface
Module for shifting the storage and retrieval of LOCKBASE master key system data to an SQL database (ODBC)
Pricing models Single user licence Mulit-user licence
LOCKBASE Factory Services Prices on request Prices on request


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